1. Choose Tools – Configuration.
2. Configuration dialog box opens.
3. Go to the Reporting page.

Report templates can be divided into 5 groups by appropriate mode of application: by users, tests, testing results, user actions, access accounts. Here you can register available report templates for each application mode.

4. In the Mode list, select the mode you need.
5. In the Installed Reports list, report templates available for selected application mode will be shown.
6. press Register button.
7. The standard Open dialog box opens.
8. Select one or some files of report templates you need.
9. press Open button.
10. Selected report templates will be added to the Installed reports list.
11. To register report templates available for other application modes, select appropriate value from the Mode list and repeat 6 – 9 steps.
12. To confirm registration of report templates, you fulfilled at 1 – 11 steps, press OK button of the configuration dialog box.

See Also:
Configuration Dialog Box – Reporting Page

Install report templates