This dialog box is designed for test section editing.
Test can be divided into sections (subtests, groups of questions with equal type or weight) with opportunity to select the limited number of section questions at testing automatically. It should be pointed out, that questions can be simultaneously included in several different sections.
See the image below:
Section name is entered in the Section Name editing field (it’s an obligatory field).
Section description is entered in the Section Description editing field (data size is not limited, it’s an optional field).
Main control of this dialog is a Question List containing all test questions. Questions, included in the current section, are marked with an icon “Blue tick”. You can include/exclude questions using appropriate button on the toolbar above the question list or by right click on appropriate item of the question list. Questions, already included in other test sections, are marked with an icon “Clip”; numbers of section-owners are listed in the second column of the list.
To specify limited number of section questions automatically selected at testing, use appropriate Use at Testing entry field on the toolbar above the question list. To use all section questions at testing, select the All option to the right of this field.
Data accuracy is checked automatically in this dialog - There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.
Related Topics:
Create a new test section from scratch
Create a new test section from an existing one
Import test sections from another test
Edit the test section
Delete the test section