This tab is designed for definition of question choices.

See the image below (in case of Single Response question type):

AVElife TestGold Studio d question 2 1 400 Choices Tab

Main controls of this tab are the choice list and appropriate toolbar.
You can manage choices using commands given below and activated by appropriate toolbar buttons, items of context menu of the choice list and items of Development submenu of the main menu of the application:

Add New Answer

When answer dialog box opens, you can specify answer properties and press OK button. New item will be added to the choice list.

Clone Answer

When answer dialog box opens, properties of current answer are offered by default, but you can modify them and press OK button. New item will be added to the answer list.

Edit Answer

When answer dialog box opens, you can modify properties of current answer and press OK button. Current item of the answer list will be refreshed.

Add Choices

When choices dialog box opens, you can choose used choices and press OK button. New items will be added to the choice list.

Delete Choice

You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of current choice, choose Yes to delete it.
(appropriate answer list item of the test remains).

See the image below (view of this tab and definition of reference answer depend on a question type):

To mark current choice as a answer key or its part (as a reference choice), use Set Right Choice command (toolbar button or context menu item). It is true of question types which demand selection of one or more choices.

There is no “right answer” concept in psychological tests and reference answer is not specified.

For Multiple Response question this tab looks like:

AVElife TestGold Studio d question 2 2 400 Choices Tab

For Ranking question this tab looks like:

AVElife TestGold Studio d question 2 3 400 Choices Tab

To define reference sequence as a whole, select appropriate reference position of each choice from the Set Right Order submenu (also, you can use toolbar buttons or context menu items).

For Matching question this tab looks like:

AVElife TestGold Studio d question 2 4 400 Choices Tab

There is a list of matching items in question part. You can create, clone, edit and delete its items. You should define them before definition of key as a list of pairs: “matching item in answer part – matching item in question part”.

To define a pair, make appropriate linked items in both lists current and use Matches to commands (toolbar button or context menu items). If you use this command for already linked items, their matching will be removed. In column Key, you can see numbers of matching items linked with current item in question part.

Related Topics:
Question Dialog Box – General Tab
Question Dialog Box – Free-Form Tab
Question Dialog Box – Feedback Tab
Question Dialog Box – Tips Tab
Question Dialog Box – Introduction Tab

Choices Tab