This dialog box is designed for definition of psychological outcome system.

Logically this dialog box is divided into two parts:

· area of definition of score system  
· area of definition of outcomes 

1. Definition of score system

Remember, that there are no “right” and “wrong” answers in psychological tests.
Instead of it:
1) each possible choice can be evaluated by some points according to current score system and test outcome is based on the value of earned points according to specified intervals (Interval Method of analysis);
2) you can specify combination “Question – Master Choice” and define outcomes according to the compliance (Combinative Method of analysis).

See the image below (for Interval Method of analysis):

AVElife TestGold Studio d psychooutcomes 400 Psychological Outcomes Dialog Box

See the image below (for Combinative Method of analysis):

AVElife TestGold Studio d psychooutcomes2 400 Psychological Outcomes Dialog Box

To define score system, use controls on the top of the dialog.
Their brief description given below:

Question List

Here you can choose current question.
Choice List

This list contains choices of the current question. It is refreshed when you change current question. Points are assigned to the current choice.

Points entry field and Assign button (for Interval Method of analysis)

Use this entry field to define points for the current choice.
When you specified points, press Assign button to assign this value to the current choice.

Master button and Any Choice option (for Combinative Method of analysis)

Press Master button to set the current choice as the master choice. If it doesn’t matter what choice was chosen, select Any Choice option.

Intermediate Point Sum Correction list

Here you can choose type of required correction of sum total of points, possible values: without correction, add, subtract, multiply, divide.

Intermediate Point Sum Correction entry field

Here you can choose operand value of required correction of sum total of points.

2. Definition of outcomes

You can manage outcomes using commands given below and activated by appropriate toolbar buttons, items of context menu of the outcome list and items of Development submenu of the main menu of the application:

Add New Outcome

When outcome dialog box opens, you can specify outcome properties and press OK button. New item will be added to the outcome list.

Clone Outcome

When outcome dialog box opens, properties of current outcome are offered by default, but you can modify them and press OK button. New item will be added to the outcome list.

Edit Outcome
When outcome dialog box opens, you can modify properties of current outcome and press OK button. Current item of the outcome list will be refreshed.

Delete Outcome

You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of current outcome, choose Yes to delete it.

There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.

Related Topics:
Test Editing Dialog Box – Psychological Outcomes Page
Define outcomes of psychological test

Psychological Outcomes Dialog Box