This dialog box is designed for outcome editing.
See the image below (in case of interval method):
Logically this dialog box is divided into two parts: limit definition (top block) and outcome formulation appropriate to the limit (bottom block). One of test session outcome attributes is the Grade, which you can set using fields of the Grade group. In the Grade type list, you can select one from the literal grades (A, B, C, D, E) or Numeric Grade value. When the Sum Total of Points option is selected, the grade is equal to sum total of points, otherwise, you can specify fixed points as an outcome grade in the Grade field. See the image below (in case of combinational method): In case of combinational method, instead of Interval bounds fields you must use Condition Compliance Factor field, where you can specify value of an appropriate attribute (fractional value from 0 up to 1, that meets the condition of no less than 0-100 %).
Using Interval bounds you can set upper and lower bounds (they are set inclusively) of the sum total of points.
Select the Sex Limit option to set sex limit and choose required value (Male or Female) from the list.
Select the Age Limit option to set age limit and specify age bounds in appropriate fields.
In the Result Formulation field, you can specify brief formulation of test session outcome (it’s an obligatory field).
In the Result Description field, you can specify more detailed result description of test session outcome which can have much more size, than its result formulation (it’s an optional field).
In the Additional Data field, you can specify HTML page file, used as additional material of the current test session outcome. For preview, press Preview button next to this field.
There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.