This dialog box is designed for definition of the item of the final outcome combination of Advanced Psychological Test.

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio d finaloutcomecombitem Final Outcome Combination Item Dialog Box

Select Analysed Section from Section list at the top of the dialog.

Select Analysed Factor from Analysed Factor list,
possible values: By value of Section Level; By value of Section Points; By value of Section Grade,
where Section Level is the ratio of earned points by specified section to highest possible.

Set upper and lower bounds of the analysed factor (they are set inclusively) by means of entry fields of Limitation group.

There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.

See Also:
Final Outcome Dialog Box

Final Outcome Combination Item Dialog Box