This dialog box is designed for developer account editing.

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio d developeraccount 400 Developer Account Dialog Box

All fields have informative captions to explain their purpose.
Brief description is given below.

In the Developer Name entry field, you can specify the developer name.

In the Company entry field, you can specify the developer company name.

In the Developer Home Page entry field, you can specify the developer home page (WWW).

In the Developer Internet Mail Address entry field, you can specify the developer e-mail address (E-Mail).

In the Contacts entry field, you can specify other contact data (phones, fax, etc.).

In the Achievements entry field, you can specify professional level of the developer and the knowledge domain expert(s), awards, favourable reviews, etc.

Claim your rights for the test in the Test Development Copyright entry field .

If you want to specify any other data about you as the test developer, enter them in the Additional Data field.

There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.

The tested person can view this information during testing and go to the developer home page or send him e-mail. That’s why you can’t underestimate importance of this information. We recommend you to fill in the developer account in each test you create. Perhaps, it could be a good marketing step for your company.

Related Topics:
Test Editing Dialog Box – Developer Page
Configuration Dialog Box – Developer Account Page

Developer Account Dialog Box