This page is designed for definition of testing rules accepted in your company at part “After Session”.
See the image below:
Press Outcome System button to specify score system and outcomes, used for the application (or the company network) at whole.
Session Result Visibility If you selected option described above, use additional options of this group to define visibility of appropriate tabs of test session result dialog box or accessibility of the functions of copying results on the Clipboard, saving them in a text file, preview and print of the session report.
Select the Send Session Data by E-Mail Automatically option to send the data of each test session to supervisor by E-Mail for review and analysis. It is processed automatically and hidden for the user. If there is no active internet connection, the user is prompted to connect to the Internet. The attempt to send the data is repeated by specified number of times.
Session data can be sent by e-mail automatically, but also you can leave the possibility of further manual sending from Test Session Result dialog box by the user. You can control this by the next two options of the group.
Select the Show Test Session Result option to show testing result to the tested person right after session termination.
Select the Save Session Data option to save the data of each test session for further review and analysis.
Here you must specify the e-mail address of the supervisor for sending session data by E-Mail.