This page is designed for definition of general preferences for test development.
See the image below:
Select the Save Configuration of Opened Files option to store the list of opened files and load them automatically at the next running of the application. This feature is very useful, but large quantity of opened tests can result in considerable growth of application loadtime on a low-powered computer.
The application stores the list of last opened files. You can easily reopen them.
In the Number of Stored More Recently Used Files entry field, specify maximum number of files.
Default Likert Scale Choices
There is a set of 5 predefined choices in any test. When you create a new test, they already exist. You can specify them in the appropriate fields of this group. All fields have informative captions to explain their purpose.
In the Default Encryption Level of New Test list, specify more frequently used encryption level of test to reduce development time. When you create a new test, this value is assigned initially.
In the Default Type of New Question list, specify more frequently used question type to reduce development time. When you create a new question, this value is assigned initially.