This dialog box is designed for answer editing.

See the image below (in case of unformatted answer text):

AVElife TestGold Studio d answer 400 Answer Dialog Box

Answer text is entered in the Answer Text editing field (data size is not limited, it’s an obligatory field).

When you edit the text, “live spelling” is made and incorrect (or missing in the dictionary) words are marked by a red wavy line. To choose the correct choice of a word, right click on it and select correct value in the popup context menu.

In the Text Type combo box, you can set answer text type, which can have 2 values: Unformatted text and Formatted text. Choice of the text type depends on a task. Usually you can use unformatted text for the majority of tests. At the same time additional text formatting improves its appearance and value (use of different fonts, formulas, schemes, tables, Flash- and OLE-objects, etc.). There is a powerful built-in text editor for the text formatting.

See the image below (in case of formatted answer text):

AVElife TestGold Studio d answer f 400 Answer Dialog Box

Answer can also contain a multimedia data (image, audio, video). To use them, select the appropriate options (Image and/or Audio and/or Video) in the Multimedia group and specify file names of multimedia data in the entry fields to the right of the options (there are buttons in the right corner of these fields to choose the files in standard Open file dialog). For preview of used multimedia data, press Preview button to the right of the appropriate field.

AID is an unique answer ID. It is generated automatically, when you create a new answer, and displayed at the bottom of the dialog below the Multimedia group.

There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.

Related Topics:
Create a new test answer from scratch
Create a new test answer from an existing one
Import test answers from another test
Edit the test answer
Delete the test answer

Answer Dialog Box