This dialog box is designed for access account editing.
See the image below:
User ID (PID) is a major attribute of an access account; you can choose appropriate registered user in the User list. To create a new access account for some user, initially you must create account for the user in the list of registered users.
In the Access Profile list, select a level of privileges, delegated to the specified user. Access profile defines available user actions.
In the Name and Password fields, specify the identification data for log on under current access account. Repeat Password field is designed for password reentry to make sure, that you still remember it.
To temporary hide current access account, deselect Now in Use option.
There are standard buttons at the bottom of the dialog. To confirm changes and close the dialog, click OK. To close the dialog without confirmation of changes, press Cancel button or X button in the right part of the dialog caption.
Related Topics:
Edit the access account
Delete the access account