Purpose: create sophisticated educational test with different question types.

Source data:

Test name:

Lesson 6 – Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types

Test questions:

1. Is Washington a capital of USA?
– Yes (reference answer)
– No

2. Words with similar meaning are called antonyms.
– Yes
– I don’t know
– No (reference answer)

3. Tsunami is the waves sweeping away everything on the way.
– Yes (reference answer)
– Rather yes than no
– I don’t know
– Rather no than yes
– No

4. How do people call collectors of stamps?
– Philatelist (reference answer)
– Philologist
– Cynologist
– Archivist

5. What kind of animals are grass-feeding?
– Elephant (reference answer)
– Monkey (reference answer)
– Crocodile
– Koala (reference answer)
– Panther
– Lion

6. Arrange the planets of solar system by way of their remoteness from the Sun.
– Mars (4)
– Saturn (6)
– Uranus (7)
– Jupiter (5)
– Earth (3)
– Pluto (9)
– Venus (2)
– Neptune (8)
– Mercury (1)

7. Specify, where are the following cities situated?
– Milan (in Italy)
– Rio de Janeiro (in Brazil)
– Sao Paulo (in Brazil)
– Cardiff (in Great Britain)
– Venice (in Italy)

8. This animal is considered to be sacred in India.
Reference answer: cow

9. Specify the seasons.
Reference answer: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn

10. Arrange signs of the Zodiac by way of their sequence in astrological year.
Reference answer: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

11. Clarify the sense of a phrase “No pains, no gains”.
Reference answer is not defined.


1. Create a new educational test (this task is considered in details in Lesson 1).

2. Test Editing Dialog Box opens.

3. Go to the Description page and enter “Lesson 6 – Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types” in the Test Name entry field.

4. Then go to the Questions page.

5. Alternative, Likert Scale (3-Option), Likert Scale (5-Option) are the question types with predefined choices, i.e. you don’t need to specify choices manually. You must specify reference answer only. Creation of a new Alternative question was considered in details in Lesson 1 and Lesson 3. The same with Likert Scale (3-Option) (unlike Alternative question type it contains I don’t know choice) and Likert Scale (5-Option) (unlike Alternative question type it contains three more choices: I don’t know, Rather yes than no, Rather no than yes).

6. Let’s consider creation of question of Single Response type on the example of 4 test question.

In this lesson, for short, we won’t repeat how to create a new question, specify question type or text type, enter and/or format text of question formulation or answer formulation, create a new answer, choose some answer as question choice. All these tasks have been carefully considered in the previous lessons.

Well, create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {Philatelist; Philologist; Cynologist; Archivist}; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = How do people call collectors of stamps?).

Let’s consider how to define reference answer for this question type:

6.1. Go to the Choices tab of the question dialog box.

6.2. Select item of the choice list appropriate to the reference answer.

6.3. press Define Reference Answer button on the Choices toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure1 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types
Reference answer will be marked.

7. Let’s consider creation of question of Multiple Response type on the example of fifth test question.

Create a new question (Question type = Multiple Response; Choices = {Elephant; Monkey; Crocodile; Koala; Panther; Lion}; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = What kind of animals are grass-feeding?).

Let’s consider how to define reference answer for this question type:

7.1. Go to the Choices tab of the question dialog box.

7.2. Select item of the choice list appropriate to the reference answer.

7.3. press Define Reference Answer button on the Choices toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure1 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types
Reference answer will be marked.

7.4. Repeat steps 7.2. and 7.3. for each reference answer.

8. Let’s consider creation of question of Ranking type on the example of sixth test question.

Create a new question (Question type = Ranking; Choices = {Mars; Saturn; Uranus; Jupiter; Earth; Pluto; Venus; Neptune; Mercury}; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = Arrange the planets of solar system by way of their remoteness from the Sun.).

Let’s consider how to define reference sequence:

8.1. Go to the Choices tab of the question dialog box.

8.2. Select item of the choice list appropriate to one of the defined elements of sequence. We will consider this task on the example of first element Mars. According to source data, this element should be on the 4th place of reference sequence.

8.3. Choose appropriate value (4 for this element) from the Define Reference Answer list on the Choices toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure2 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types
Definite element of sequence will be marked, and appropriate vallue will appear in the Key field (4 in this case).

8.4. Repeat steps 8.2. and 8.3. for each element of the sequence.

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure3 400 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types

9. Let’s consider creation of question of Matching type on the example of seventh test question.

Create a new question (Question type = Matching; Choices = {Matching elements in answer part: Milan: Rio de Janeiro; Cardiff; Venice; Matching elements in question part: In Great Britain; in Italy; in Brazil}; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = Specify, where are the following cities situated?).

Let’s see how to define reference matching:

9.1. Go to the Choices tab of the question dialog box.

9.2. To define a pair “matching item in answer part – matching item in question part”, select appropriate linked items in both lists and press Define Reference Answer button on the Choices toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure4 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types
Note, that if two items have already been linked, this link will be deleted. Changes are displayed in the Key field of apropriate item in answer part.

Repeat this action for each reference linked pair.

Specified reference link “Milan – in Italy” and resulting reference matching are shown on the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure5 400 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types

10. Let’s consider creation of question of Free-form Single Response, Free-form Multiple Response and Free-form Ranking types on the example of tenth test question.

These question types have common approach to definition of reference answer:

10.1. Go to the Free-Form tab of the question dialog box.

10.2. In the Keyword Interpretation combo box, choose Simple String Value. This attribute defines interpretation of string of reference answer. In some cases it can be very useful to have an opportunity to compare by mask or regular expression – you must specify appropriate value of the attribute.

10.3. In the Keyword Interpretation combo box, specify the following values consistently (each one in a separate line):

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

10.4. Values, entered in the previous field, form 100% reference answer. Each reference value can have synonyms, which should be specified in the Synonyms list (before editing of the synonyms list, make appropriate item of the Answer Keyword list current). Often synonyms can be partially equal to the right answer. To define their equivalence, specify value of SAF (Synonym Adequacy Factor) in the second column of the synonyms list.

10.5. When matching of whole words is required, select the Whole Words Only option (“cat” and “cats” will be different values).

10.6. When case matching is required, select the Case Sensitive option (“ARIES” and “Aries” will be different values).

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson6 figure6 400 Lesson 6   Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types

11. Creation of question of Essay type:

You don’t need to define reference answer in questions of this type, you must formulate the question only; all the answers are evaluated by the expert manually.

12. Now you must save the test you have created in the file. Choose File – Save. When standard Save file dialog box opens, you must specify the file name AVELife_SAMPLE06.test and press Save button.

You have just learned to create sophisticated
educational tests with different question types!

{TestGold} DataTestsSamplesAVELife_SAMPLE06.test

To use a new test, register it in the test list of the application:
1. Go to the Testing application mode.
2. Choose Testing | Register Test.

See Also:

Test Format Description
Question Dialog Box – Choices Tab
Question Dialog Box – Free-Form Tab
Test Editing Dialog Box
Create a new test question from scratch
Save current edited test
Register the test

Lesson 6 – Creating sophisticated educational test with different question types