Purpose: learn how
to use multimedia data, Flash- and OLE-objects in tests.

Source data:

Test name:

Lesson 5 – Using multimedia data, Flash- and OLE-objects in tests

Test questions:

1. What animal do you see on the picture?
– Bear;
– Wolf;
– Fox; (reference answer)
– Hare;
– Jerboa;
(external image Fox2.jpg is used)

2. What animal do you see on the picture below?
– Bear;
– Wolf;
– Fox; (reference answer)
– Hare;
– Jerboa;
(internal image Fox2.jpg is used; it is inserted in the question text)

3. What reminds you this sound?
– Burst;
– Rustle;
– Ocean surf; (reference answer)
– Ticking;
(external sound file Ocean.wav is used)

4. Solve the equation:
AVElife TestGold Studio oledataq1 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
choice 1:
AVElife TestGold Studio oledataa1 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
choice 2: (reference answer)
AVElife TestGold Studio oledataa2 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
choice 3:
AVElife TestGold Studio oledataa3 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
choice 4:
AVElife TestGold Studio oledataa4 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

5. What do you feel looking at this Flash?
– I will buyTestGold tomorrow!
– I will try TestGold and buy it later!
– I will buy TestGold today!
– I will buy TestGold right now! (reference answer)
(internal Flash TG1.swf is used; it is inserted in the question text)


1. Create a new educational test (this task is considered in details in Lesson 1).

2. Test Editing Dialog Box opens.

3. Go to the Description page and enter “Lesson 5 – Using multimedia data, Flash- and OLE-objects in tests” in the Test Name entry field.

4. Then go to the Questions page.

5. We will consider opportunity of insert of some external image in question text on the example of first question.

5.1. Create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {Bear; Wolf; Fox; Hare; Jerboa};
Reference Answer = Fox
; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = What animal do you see on the picture?).

To insert image Fox2.jpg, do the following:

5.2. Select Use Image option in the Multimedia group.

5.3. Image file entry field to the right of the Use Image option will be enabled. Press button in the right part of this
field. When standard Open file dialog box opens, specify Fox2.jpg file and press Open button. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson5 figure1 400 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

5.4. Press OK button to save the question.

6. We will consider opportunity of insert of some internal image in question text on the example of second question.

6.1. Create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {Bear; Wolf; Fox; Hare; Jerboa};
Reference Answer = Fox
; Text type = Formatted; Question text = What animal do you see on the picture?) and
go to a new line.

6.2. press Insert Picture button on the Insert toolbar (see the image below)

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor insertimagetb Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
and specify Fox2.jpg file in the standard Open file dialog box, then press Open button. The image, you
have chosen, will be inserted in the question text. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson5 figure2 400 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

6.3. Press OK button to save the question.

7. We will consider opportunity of insert of some external sound file in question text on the example of third question.

7.1. Create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {Burst; Rustle; Ocean surf; Ticking};
Reference Answer = Ocean surf
; Text type = Unformatted; Question text = What reminds you this sound?).

To insert external sound file Ocean.wav, do the following:

7.2. Select Use Audio option in the Multimedia group.

7.3. Sound file entry field to the right of the Use Audio option will be enabled. Press button in the right part of this
field. When standard Open file dialog box opens, specify Ocean.wav file and press Open button. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson5 figure3 400 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

7.4. Press OK button to save the question.

8. Opportunity of insert of some external video file in question text is not considered in this lesson, as you can do it by analogy with insert of images and sound files (it is considered in details in 5.x and 7.x).

9. We will consider opportunity of insert of some OLE-object in question text and choices on the example of fourth question.

9.1. Create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {{OLE-object 1}, {OLE-object 2}, {OLE-
bject 3}, {OLE-object 4}}; Reference Answer = {OLE-object 2}; Text type = Formatted; and enter the first part of
the question text Solve the equation
, then go to a new line.

9.2. press Insert OLE Document button on the Insert toolbar (see the image below).

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor insertoleobjtb Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
9.3. Insert OLE-object dialog box opens.

9.4. Specify Create new insert method, Microsoft Equation object type and press OK button.  
Note, that new object in the form of grey rectangle appeared in the text.  

9.5. When you double click on this object, associated application opens, in this case – Microsoft Equation formula editor. Using this editor, you can make almost any, even very complicated formula.

AVElife TestGold Studio oleobject formulaedit Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

Make the equation using formula editor.

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson5 figure4 400 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

9.6. OLE-objects, inserted to the answer text, appear here as choices for this question.
Make 4 left choices by analogy with insert of OLE-object in question text. See choices for this question in the source data and result file of this lesson {TestGold}DataTestsSamplesAVELife_SAMPLE05.test.

8.7. Press OK button to save the question.

10. We will consider opportunity of insert of some external Flash in question text on the example of fifth question.

10.1. Create a new question (Question type = Single Response; Choices = {I will buyTestGold tomorrow!; I will
try TestGold and buy it later!; I will buy TestGold today!; I will buy TestGold right now!
}; Reference Answer = I
will buy TestGold right now!
; Text type = Formatted; and enter the first part of the question text What do you feel
looking at this Flash
?, then go to a new line.

10.2. press Insert Flash button on the Insert toolbar (see the image below)

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor insertflashtb Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests
and specify TG1.swf file in the standard Open file dialog box, then press Open button. The Flash, you
have chosen, will be inserted in the question text. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson5 figure5 400 Lesson 5   Using multimedia data, Flash  and OLE objects in tests

10.3. Now enter choices specified in 10.1. and specify reference answer.

10.4. Press OK button to save the question.

11. Now you must save the test you have created in the file. Choose File – Save. When standard Save file dialog box opens, you must specify the file name AVELife_SAMPLE05.test and press Save button.

You have just learned to
use multimedia data, Flash- and OLE-objects in tests!

{TestGold} DataTestsSamplesAVELife_SAMPLE05.test

To use a new test, register it in the test list of the application:
1. Go to the Testing application mode.
2. Choose Testing | Register Test.

See Also:
Test Editing Dialog Box
Create a new test question from scratch
Save current edited test
Register the test

Lesson 5 – Using multimedia data, Flash- and OLE-objects in tests