Purpose: learn how
to format text of questions and choices using built-in text editor.

There is a powerful built-in text editor in
At the same time additional text formatting improves its appearance and value (use of different fonts, formulas, schemes, tables, Flash- and OLE-objects, etc.).

Source data:

Test name:

Lesson 4 - Formatting of text of questions and choices using built-in editor

Test questions:
Speech is silver, silence is gold.
- Yes (reference answer)
– No

2. Is chemical formula of sulphuric acid H2SO4?
- Yes (reference answer)
– No

3. Are all below-mentioned symbols letters of the Greek alphabet?

– Yes (reference answer)
– No

. Specify, whether all below-mentioned plants are berries?

1. Currants 
2. Cherry 
3. Buckthorn 

4. Spurge-flax
- Yes (reference answer)
– No

5. Look attentively at the table below and answer: do you agree that product of the figures in the cells is equal 1 vertical, horizontal and diagonal?


- Yes (reference answer)
– No


1. Create a new educational test (this task is considered in details in Lesson 1).

2. Test Editing Dialog Box opens.

3. Go to the Description page and enter “Lesson 4 - Formatting of text of questions and choices using built-in editor” in the Test Name entry field.

4. Then go to the Questions page.

5. We will consider text formatting on the example of the first question changing symbol font properties.

5.1. Create a new question (it is considered in details in Lesson 1 and Lesson 3): press Add New Question button, Question Dialog Box opens.

5.2. Specify Alternative question type and Yes as a reference answer (see details in Lesson 1 and Lesson 3).

5.3. Choose Formatted text type (see details in Lesson 1 and Lesson 3).
Text entry area transforms to powerful built-in text editor.

5.4. Enter the text “Speech is silver, silence is gold.” (see the image below).

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure1 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

5.5. We will consider Bold on the example of selection Speech:

Select the specified text and press Bold button on the Font toolbar or choose Font – Bold (see the images below).

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure2 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure3 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure4 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

We won’t consider use of such font attributes as “Italic”, “Underline”, “Strike Out”, “Overline” – you can do it using buttons next to the “Bold” button or appropriate items of the Font menu.

To format the text, you can use both toolbar buttons and appropriate menu items of the text editor. Here, for short, we will refer to toolbar buttons only. You can use the approach more suitable to you. We advise you to use menus for the first time (especially, if you are not experience in work with some text editor). At the same time use of toolbars considerably raises efficiency and we recommend to use them in future.

5.6. We will consider Change of symbol font and symbol size on the example of selection Silence:

Select the specified text and choose Times New Roman in the Symbol Font list (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontnamecb 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontnamesel Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

Then in the Symbol Size list, choose 14 (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontsizecb 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontsizesel Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

5.7. We will consider Change of symbol color on the example of selection Gold, which we make red.

Select the specified text and press Text Color button on the Font toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontcolortb 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
and choose color in the opened palette (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontcolorpalette Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

If you don’t like offered colors, press More Colors button. Color dialog box opens.

If you need more extended color palette, press Define Color button of the Color dialog box. Choose color in the palette and press Add to the Set button. The color, you have chosen, will be added to the Other section. Choose square appropriate to this color and press OK button. Color dialog box will be closed, symbol color of the selected text will be changed accordingly.

Remember, that we have considered most sophisticated color choice, that permits to choose any color from the palette, but usually colors offered in the first opened palette is enough.

5.8. We will consider Use of Font dialog box for changing of several font attributes on the example of selection Silver.

Select the specified text and press Font button on the Format toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontdialogtb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
Font dialog box opens. In appropriate lists of the Font tab, choose Font = Tahoma, Size = 28, Color = Blue.
Also, select Bold, Italic, Overline options. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontdialogf 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

Go to the Layout tab and try to change additional font attributes. Choose Horizontal scaling – Scale = 200%, Spacing = 10, Expanded. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontdialogi 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

Now press OK button, Font dialog box will be closed and changes of symbol font will be applied to the selected text.

We have considered almost all opportunities of text formatting using change of font attributes. Use of Text Background Color is similar to the Text Color described above and doesn’t require additional comments. Some additional font attributes will be considered on the example of other questions.

See the result of question text formatting on the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure5 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

press OK button, Question dialog box will be closed, new item will be added to the Question List.

6. We will consider Use of such font attributes as “Superscript” and “Subscript” on the example of second test question:

Create a new question (Question type = Alternative; Reference answer = Yes; Text type = Formatted) and enter the question text Is chemical formula of sulphuric acid H2SO4?

Let’s start text formatting. Figures 2 and 4 in the chemical formula should be located a little bit below of text body.

Select the text 2 and press Subscript button on the Font toolbar (see the image below). Repeat this action for 4.

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor subscripttb 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure6 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

press OK button, Question dialog box will be closed, new item will be added to the Question List.

7. We will consider Use of special symbols (for example, letters of Greek alphabet frequently used in physics, chemistry, …) by way of changing of font attribute “Charset” or insert of special symbols on the example of third question:

Create a new question (Question type = Alternative; Reference answer = Yes; Text type = Formatted) and enter the question text Are all below-mentioned symbols letters of the Greek alphabet?

Now we will enter special symbols:

7.1. To enter öóøùçëîâ, we will make the following:

Go to a new line (if you are at the end of the text, press Enter button) and press Font button on the Format tollbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor fontdialogtb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
Font dialog box opens. In the Charset list, choose Greek.

press OK button, Font dialog box will be closed and changes of symbol font will be applied to the paragraph of a
new text.

Now we can enter symbols of the Greek alphabet. Enter öóøùçëîâ and move cursor to a new line (if you are at the end of the text, press Enter button).

7.2. To enter qp, we will make the following:

press Insert Symbol button on the Insert toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor insertsymboltb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
Symbol dialog box opens, click the cell with symbol q.

press Insert button, Symbol dialog box will be closed and the selected symbol will be inserted in the text.
Repeat these actions for symbol p.

See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure8 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

7.3. You have entered question formulation. press OK button to save the question.

8. We will consider Use of paragraph formatting functions on the example of previous third question:

To edit the third test question, make its list item and press Edit Question button on the Questions toolbar (see the image below), Question Dialog Box opens.

AVElife TestGold Studio editquestiontb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
8.1. Now we will specify line spacing:
Select those paragraphs where you want to change line spacing (in this case, all text) and press 1.5 Line Spacing
button on the Paragraph toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure9 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure10 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

8.2. Now we will increase indent of 2 and 3 paragraphs, i.e. we will place letters of the Greek alphabet a little bit to
the right from the first question line.

Select 2 and 3 paragraphs and press Increase Indent button on the Paragraph toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paraincindenttb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure11 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

8.3. Let’s make light-yellow background color of 2 last paragraphs:

Select 2 and 3 paragraphs and press Paragraph Background Color button on the Format toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paracolortb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure12 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

8.4. We won’t consider changing of text alignment (possible values: left, right, center, justify), as it is a frequently used text formatting action. Remember, that you can set this property using appropriate buttons on the Paragraph toolbar.

8.5. Besides, it would be more convenient to change several paragraph attributes simultaneously. Select those paragraphs where you would like to change attributes and press Paragraph button on the Format toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paragraphtb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
Paragraph dialog box opens (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paradialog 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

Use controls of this dialog box to set values of all properties of the selected paragraphs. We offer you to experiment with different values of the specified paragraph properties.

8.6. press OK button to save the question.

9. We will consider Use of Lists on the example of fourth question:

Create a new question (Question type = Alternative; Reference answer = Yes; Text type = Formatted) and enter the first part of the question text Specify, whether all below-mentioned plants are berries? and go to a new line.

Let’s make the list. press Numbering button on the Paragraph toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor orderedlisttb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
1. will be displayed in the text entry area, right after enter Currants and press Enter. 2. will appear in a new line, enter Cherry and repeat the same for 2 other values.

After you have fulfilled all above described actions, question text looks like:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure13 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

Now press OK button to save the question.

We have considered how you can make the numbered list. You can create a bulleted list by analogy using Bullets button on the Paragraph toolbar. There is also Bullets and Numbering button there. When you press it, you can see Bullets and Numbering dialog box permitting to adjust list appearance more precisely (see the image below).

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor listdialogo 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

We offer you to experiment with different values of the specified list attributes.

10. We will consider Use of Tables on the example of fifth question:

Create a new question (Question type = Alternative; Reference answer = Yes; Text type = Formatted) and enter the first part of the question text Look attentively at the table below and answer: do you agree that product of the figures in the cells is equal 1 vertical, horizontal and diagonal? and go to a new line.

10.1. Now we will make a table. press Insert Table button on the Insert toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor inserttabletb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
Insert Table dialog box opens, enter 3 in the fields Number of columns and Number of rows (see the image below) and press OK button.

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor tabledialog Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

New table consisting of 3 columns and 3 rows is inserted in the text. Let’s reduce its width – click column border and holding it move to the left. See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure14 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

10.2. Let’s enter values in table cells: click inside first upper cell and enter 1, then enter this value in each cell of the table.
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure15 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

10.3. Now we will format the cells: set cell text alignment to the center and light-yellow color of the cell background.

Select all the cells and press Align Center button on the Paragraph Toolbar (see the image below),

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paracntraligntb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
and then Paragraph Background Color button on the Format toolbar (see the image below):

AVElife TestGold Studio texteditor paracolortb Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor
See the image below:

AVElife TestGold Studio lesson4 figure16 400 Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

We have considered only main aspects of table usage. To learn more about usage of tables, try to experiment with items of Table menu, especially with Table Properties. When you choose it, Table Properties dialog box opens and you gain access to all table properties.

10.4. press OK button to save the question.

11. Now you must save the test you have created in the file. Choose File – Save. When standard Save file dialog box opens, you must specify the file name AVELife_SAMPLE04.test and press Save button (see the image below).

AVElife TestGold Studio m filesave Lesson 4   Formatting of text of questions and choices using built in text editor

You have just learned to format text of questions and choices using built-in text editor!

{TestGold} DataTestsSamplesAVELife_SAMPLE04.test

To use a new test, register it in the test list of the application:
1. Go to the Testing application mode.
2. Choose Testing | Register Test.

See Also:
Test Editing Dialog Box
Create a new test question from scratch
Text Editor Menu
Text Editor Toolbars
Save current edited test
Register the test

Lesson 4 – Formatting of text of questions and choices using built-in text editor